Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Attention FANS...NEW Album Release Date Change!!!

Attention to all of my AMAZING fans who have pitched their tents out in-front of Target Stores awaiting the release of my NEW album; "Climbing Fences." ;) There has been a little change in regards to the release date...Here's what's up...As many of you know, I have been doin' a TON of songwriting lately. If you've been following me on Twitter or Facebook, you also know that I've been in the recording studio a whole lot lately too. Because my record label (Pretty World Records) is so impressed with what I've been coming up with, they feel it's best to wait and add these new songs to the album before releasing it. I am flattered that they want to include my new original songs and like many of you, I too just can't wait to see my album in Target Stores. Target is VERY excited to release my NEW album and are excited to hear the NEW songs as well! I view this as good news and I hope y'all feel the same way too!!

As soon as my current single ("There's A Whole Lot About A Woman") peaks on the charts, the label will be releasing a NEW single (TBA). HERE's WHERE Y'ALL COME IN...I'll need ALL of you to help me get NOISY and help get this next single shooting up the charts. Once this starts happening, my label will start printing up all the albums for Target Stores with all of the NEW songs included!

In the meantime, I will keep crankin' out the tunes in the recording studio and make sure that this NEW album knocks your socks off!! ;)

Thanks for your understanding, patience and of course your undying support!!! I have the BEST fans on the planet!!! God bless each of you and thank you again for all the love you show me each and everyday!!!


Nathan Osmond
"I thank my God upon every remembrance of you." - Philippians 1:3

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