Today's the day! Today marks the last day of the semi-finals for the
Mormon Times Summer Showcase. If I make it into the finals, there are
only 8 more days to vote.
There was a song back in the 90's sung by a group called Alias. It was called, "I Need You Now (More Than Words Can Say)". That's my theme song today!Ha! Thanks for ALL your support throughout the contest. When I commit to something I like to give it 100% of my effort. I plan on winning, because I've got YOU on my team.
Nathan Osmond
P.S. I'll be on 101.5 FM The Eagle this coming Tuesday at 8 AM. Be sure & tune in to listen: http://1015theeagle.com/ just click the red Listen Live button at the top right corner.
P.P.S. COOL FACT: The porch I'm sitting on in the attached picture is the same porch used in Rascal Flatt's latest music video, "Here Comes Goodbye" Check out the video:
Help make a difference for YOUR favorite charity by joining my uPlej
Network at www.uPlej.com/NathanOsmond
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