Today I was asked to take my son Zach to pre-school and then drop my other son Corbin off at his cousin Sean’s house to play. After dropping Zach off at his school, Corbin wanted to stop in at my mother-in-law’s house to see her new dog. My phone conference with Operation Smile was bumped-up sooner, so I just stopped in her house to have it. After I was all done, Corbin and I said good-bye to Chi-Chi as she’s called, and she gave Corbin a piece of cheese to snack on. I called my wife and told her that we were on our way to Sean’s house to let Corbin play.
As I was coming to a four-way stop, I saw in my rear-view mirror my son’s car seat come flying forward. Somehow, someway his seatbelt that holds his car seat in place had come undone. I didn’t think he was hurt because I wasn’t going that fast, but he began screaming. I just though it was because he was scared. I hurried and pulled over to the side of the road and jumped out to help him get strapped back in.
As I opened the side-door to our minivan I saw something I hope no parent has to see. I saw blood on the floor and a lot of it! I thought at first that he may have gotten a bloody nose. You see, the seats in our van fold-up to make room for storage and the hooks that hold the seat to the ground are revealed. When Corbin came flying forward, he hit his little face on those solid steel hooks, and it broke through all three layers of skin and muscle. From his left nostril to the side of his mouth, was a gaping hole.
I screamed and hung-up the phone. I didn’t know what to do. My wife knew something terrible had just happened and called her mother to tell her to go look for us. She could hear me screaming and could hear Corbin crying hysterically. I hurried and called 911 Emergency and told them what had just happened. I tried to hold my son’s face together and to apply pressure to the gaping wound.
Within about a minute of sheer terror, my mother-in-law pulled up on the scene. She beat the paramedics there. She called Sarah and told her what was going on. 911 even asked me to pass the phone to her because I was absolutely in shock. I accidentally hung-up on them, but I knew that help was on the way.
About two minutes later, an ambulance and fire truck showed-up on the scene. They took over and helped put Corbin and his seat on the gurney. Mom took care of the car situation as I hopped in the back of the ambulance with Corbin. He was crying and I could tell he was in shock with all that was going on. They gave him a little Brother Bear doll to try and take his mind off of the situation.
I called my wife, my parents and brothers from the back of the ambulance and told them to hurry and come to the hospital so that we could administer a blessing to my son. My brother Alex was the first show-up. He brought some consecrated oil and anointed my son’s head. Before I stepped in to give him a blessing, my brothers Doug and Scott showed up and stood in the circle. I blessed him that he would be made whole and that his skin tissue would heal. I blessed the doctors that they would be inspired as they worked to restore his beautiful little smile. A smile that will no doubt bring joy to the lives of many people throughout his life.
The hospital gave him no pain medication and seemed to just take their sweet time. It bugged me. I insisted that we get the best plastic surgeon to work on him. My primary teacher as a child is one of the best plastic surgeons in the state. I called his wife and she said that he was up at the legislator’s office. I got his cell number and texted him saying that it was an emergency.
We took Corbin in to have a CT scan performed to make sure that there were no further complications that weren’t visible on the outside. They came out positive. All of his teeth are still intact and there are no fractures. The hospital administrator came in shortly thereafter and said that they had reached him and that he would be there in 30 minutes.
In the meantime, Corbin sat there in pain with a big piece of gauze taped to his face to conceal the wound. Corbin’s uncles, Mike (and family), David and Tyler also showed up on the scene, along with Corbin’s grandparents (Alan & Suzanne Osmond).
My wife Sarah showed up with some of his toys and a clean pair of clothes. She was strong until Corbin’s wound was revealed. It broke my heart as I watched her reaction. I felt so guilty. It killed inside. She assured me that it wasn’t anyone’s fault.
I asked Doug and Tyler if they wouldn’t mind going to the toy store to get Corbin a Batman toy that he’s been wanting. Mike bought him a stuffed lion head to go on his wall. “Chi Chi” (my mother-in-law) showed up with a Batman toy and more and more toys kept coming. It was bigger than Christmas. It helped to take his mind off what had just happened.
Before long, Dr Charles Stewart showed up and really took charge. I was impressed. He really got the staff cranking. Sarah and her mom sat outside as I watched the surgery. I was an emotional rollercoaster. I just prayed as I watched my little boy being stitched up. They had to put him under to make sure he didn’t move around during the surgery.
The Doctor did an amazing job and really brought peace to my mind. We reminisced a bit about the old days when I was in his Sunday school class. He said that I was always a good kid. That made me feel good.
We waited there for about another hour until Corbin woke up. We just took it slow and let the drug wear off. My brother Alex and my mother came back with a toy fire truck; just like the one he had seen today at the scene of the accident.
The nurses gave us some instructions on what to do to make sure he doesn’t scar. I thanked his two nurses (Becca and Kassie) for their help. We stopped by McDonald’s to get some food for Corbin’s brothers and got him a large chocolate shake. He really didn’t feel like eating and was still pretty lethargic.
We just let him rest and watched his uncle David on American Idol. (We are very excited for him and are glad that he’s going to
When we tucked them in bed, Corbin said the prayer. Daddy also said one. I prayed for a beautiful healing to take place with Corbin. I had a hard time saying good-night. I checked in on him over and over again. Once, as I checked on him I saw him getting out of his bed. He came over to me and said, “I love you so much dada . . . It’s not your fault.” I just broke down and cried and I held him in my arms. It’s amazing the inspiration of a 3-year-old. He knew what my heart needed to hear. As they say, “From the mouth of babes . . . ”
Today was definitely a wake-up call to me and my wife. It reminded us how quickly life can change. One minute everything is fine and the next minute, you’re riding in the back of an ambulance. We know that the Lord is blessing our child. The accident could’ve been much worse. We were glad that those hooks didn’t hit his eyes.
We have all been very humbled by the out-pouring of love that so many people have show to us and to our little son. We have his name on the prayer rolls of temples and know that many people are remembering him in their congregations. We have witnessed miracles in the life of Corbin before when the masses prayed for him; nearly 2 years exactly ago to the day. He is so strong and is an inspiration to me. I will continually pray for him and his beautiful recovery and know that with God, nothing shall be impossible.
I shall be forever grateful to my Father in Heaven for the sacrifice of His only begotten son. How hard it must have been for Him to watch Jesus and his gaping wounds as he was nailed to the cross. How quickly we forget the ultimate sacrifice that has been offered in our behalf. I have a deep appreciation for all that my Savior, Jesus Christ has done for me. I know that our loving Heavenly Father hears our prayers and answers them.
I am forever grateful for this knowledge and wish to thank all who have been so sweet in uniting your faith with ours in behalf of our beautiful 3-year-old son, Corbin Alan Osmond.
With all the sincerity of a loving parent,
Nathan George Osmond
I read this in tears Nathan...thsnks for sharing,the power of Priesthood blessings,prayer and faith are a wonderful comfort.
What an emotional rollercoaster you and Sarah and family have gone through.
Wonderful to be surrrounded by the love of a wonderful family. I am thankful each day for the gospel,our Savior and my family.
I'm sure Corbin will improve as each day goes by.
Don't beat yourself up over it over what ifs, although after raising my brood of seven I know how hard that is not to after some of the scraps they have gotten into lol
God bless you all
Carol Lamb Colchester Essex UK
A note to the Osmond family -
As always, your family is in my prayers & I send God an endless amount of thanks for making sure that Corben & your family are ok.
Tears have run down my face as I read your experience and what Corbin had to go through. What a Blessing it is the FAITH we have.
A Blessing also the Gifts given to our Doctor's and Nursing Staff.
Your whole Family is Amazing as always the way they rally together, it is something I now miss so much.
Corbin is in My Prayers and will remain so plus you and the rest of your whole Family.
May Our Loving Heavenly Father Bless You and Keep You all safe.
Corbin is lucky to have you as a Father and your wonderful family who came to support you at a moment's notice. That is what life is all about - the trials we are given and then shown the path to go down. I hope Corbin is feeling better, eating is a good sign my friend.
We are so happy to hear that Corbin is going to be fine.
Our family has been going thru so hard and trying times with my mother..who is having trouble with her throat.
God was testing us ..It seems like you have passed ..not sure about me.
We will keep little Corbin in our prayers.
Peace and love,
April Haubert
My family will be praying, keep us posted on how Corbin is doing. Children are amazing when they are ill. I work for Arnold Palmer Medical Center in Orlando, FL and we are gearing up for our CMN radiothon next week, Feb 4 - 6. I take vacation and work the whole time and it is amazing to hear all the stories. Some of the older patients even come down and help answer the phones besides tell their stories on the radio. Good luck and keep us posted.
I have been in your shoes before, Nathan and as I read your story I was moved to tears and felt my heart racing as fast as it had done 20 years ago when my son who is now a 25 yr. old firefighter was running around playing and tripped, fell and busted his head open. As parents we are going about life's crazy, and what seems like normal schedule and then changes!! I will also had your sweet Corbin to my prayer list , that he makes a speedy routine recovery. May you enjoy every precious day of each of your childrens lives. God bless you and your entire family!
Hi Nathan, I'm sure that your little boy will be alright. Accidents do happen, but it doesn't make us parents worry less or feel guilty. You are lucky to have so much support. Here in Melbourne we are grieving a 4 year old girl ready to start her first day at school. Her father threw her off a bridge and watched as she fell 60 metres to her death. Everyone is stunned at how a father could do this. God bless and wishing Corbin a speedy recovery. Regards Mary B (Melbourne Australia)
I will pray for you, your family & extended family as you recover from this accident. I hope Corbin is doing well. Lisa M.
I will be praying for your son to have a speedy recovery. Trust in the Lord, and he will heal Corbin.
Corbin and your family are in my prayers. I know that Heavenly Father will bless Corbin.
I have no idea what to say but wanted to say that i have added Corbin into my prayer journel.
Can not find the right words but
You did good..
I am so glad to hear that Corbin is doing so well and that you are too. Isn't the Priesthood a wonderful thing, to not only calm the children, but also the parents. My prayers are with Corbin for a speedy recovery.
Corbin and your family are in our prayers!!
Thank you for sharing this story about your son Corbin with us. Please know that he and your entire family are in my prayers. Also know, just as your son said, this was not your fault, so there is no need to blame yourself. Be always thankful for the power of the Priesthood and prayer. There are no greater healing powers on this earth. Your son is truly blessed to have a loving father that is worthy to hold the Priesthood and one who knows the power of Priesthood blessings and prayer. I am sure that Corbin thinks of you as his "hero", and sir, rightfully you are. He knows that he is loved and loves you in return. Always remember that. Also always remember that when things like this happen in life, our Heavenly Father is always just a prayer away. Take good care of you, your son Corbin, and your family. God bless.
Hey Nathan, I'm very sorry to hear about your son. I don't have any children but I have younger siblings and whenever any of them gets hurt in even the smallest way, I freak out and start screaming like crazy so I can't imagine what this experience was like for you. I hope he gets better soon. It's so refreshing to read about how close your family is. I wish my family was like yours. On a side note, I was very excited to see all of you on American Idol last week! Hope to see and hear more of you all very soon. Jayne from VA
Wow! It has been a long time. Thanks for sharing something so close to you and your family. You're sharing is going to help parents and children stay safe.
Good for you, having the prescence of mind in the ER to make sure ONLY a plastic surgeon stitched his face.
I'm sorry it was so traumatic, but I'm so happy prayers were answered keeping your sweet son safe.
It was great to see David on AI. It was great to see you and Doug and your parents too during the auditions.
All my best to you and your family!
Sara Redelfs Peterson
Dear Nathan,
I feel such deep sorrow for what your Precious little Corbin has had to go through and all that you and your family has had to Endure with Corbins Accident. On the other hand I am ever so Grateful to our Heavenly Father for spareing that precious child's life and it not being worse than it was, and for a Wonderful, Loving Family that he has. God Bless You Corbin, Nathan and Family. My Prayer's are with you allway's.
Love & Prayer's,
Donna Gaskins Paris,TN.
As a mom of 2 young kids, reading this was a wake up call that in an instant anything can happen. I am so glad Corbin is OK. You are a wonderful father and the love of your entire family is such a blessing. Corbin is a lucky little guy. I know your faith is strong and Corbin will be just fine. God has truly blessed your and your family.
I just read this about what happened to your son. I pray that he has healed up well! God can and will heal. You and your wife sound like wonderful parents. Blessings to all of you!
Amy Saltonstall Duncan
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